Gicamp | General hire conditions
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General hire conditions


USE OF THE VEHICLE. The use of the hired vehicle must always be carried out in a way that it remains covered by its insurance. Please note that the vehicle is the only one available from Gicamp s.a.s and therefore in no case can it be substituted by another vehicle.

NUMBER OF PEOPLE. The number of people that can be transported by the vehicle must not exceed the maximum number indicated in the vehicle’s registration documents.

DRIVER’S REQUIREMENTS. The vehicle must not be driven by people who are in physical conditions that don’t conform in any way to the driving laws applicable in the country where it is being used.

COMPLIANCE WITH TRAFFIC LAWS. The client must always use the vehicle scrupulously in accordance with the highway code and the laws and rules of the road applied in the country in which the vehicle is being used. Therefore the client will be responsible in civil and criminal law cases for any infringement committed.

DUE DILIGENCE. The client must always use the vehicle with care in order to protect the people being transported and the integrity of the vehicle and its equipment. The client will be required to pay any fine or contravention incurred during the rental even if it is communicated after the return of the vehicle. We would like to remind you that it is absolutely forbidden to smoke or introduce any kind of pet or animal inside the vehicle.

CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT. On confirmation of a requested reservation a deposit representing 30% of the total cost of the hire must be made. Without this deposit the reservation will not be considered confirmed. The balance payment is required 15 days before the start of the hire. If the balance is not paid 15 days before the first day of hire, Gicamp s.a.s has the right to hire the vehicle to another party with no obligation to communicate such actions to the client and without making any refund to the client. The deposit already made will be withheld. At the start of the hire a security deposit of €1,000.00 must be made. The payment for extra kilometres or any eventual damage to the vehicle will be taken from this security deposit on the return of the vehicle.

CANCELLATIONS. Also In the case of a cancellation of the hire, if it occurs up to 15 days before the hire, the deposit of 30% of the hire fee will be withheld as a cancellation fee. If the cancellation occurs after the 15th day before the hire, the cancellation fee will increase to the total amount (100%) of the hire fee.

REURNING THE VEHICLE. The rented vehicle must be returned in good hygienic conditions, with the inside cleaned and with the toilet and waste tanks duly empty. In the case that the client does not comply, the cleaning costs calculated at €150 for internal cleaning and the emptying of the waste tanks will be deducted from the security deposit. The client must reimburse the company for all damages, missing items and defects of the vehicle identified on its return or, if not immediately identified, presented to the client within 24 hours of the return. Furthermore, the client is responsible for all the accessories of the vehicle on hire, such as the radio and other accessories that will be charged for in the case of theft or damage.

SECURITY DEPOSIT. The hire of the vehicle is always subject to a security deposit of €1,000.00 (one thousand), which must be made before the start of the hire. Therefore the client remains directly responsible to the company for damages made to the hired vehicle up to the amount of the security deposit. The security deposit will be returned to the client on the return of the vehicle: that is within 20 days after inspection and any eventual repairs to the vehicle.

REPAIRS. In the case that during the hire there should arise mechanical faults with the vehicle not caused by a lack of diligence or directly caused by the client, the relative repairs can be directly carried out by the client as long as the cost does not exceed €50. For repairs that exceed this amount the client must ask for authorisation from the company in advance. Repairs paid for by the client will be reimbursed at the moment of the return of the vehicle and only on the presentation of a relating invoice.

RESPONSABILITY. The company Gicamp s.a.s. does not assume any responsibility for eventual damages to the occupants or their property in the company’s vehicle after it has been handed over to the client. The company will not be equally responsible for shortcomings, faults or other discrepancies that are not showing on the Condition Report that the client will have completed together with a manager of Gicamp s.a.s. Equally, the company Gicamp s.a.s. will not be responsible for problems that could occur regarding involuntary delays, mechanical faults, negligence of those working in service industries, interruptions or delays caused by illnesses, natural disasters, strikes, wars, bad weather, quarantines, etc. In the case of a forced interruption of the journey the client is required to inform the company promptly, or at least within the first 24 hours, so that the recovery of the vehicle can be organised by the company in the most appropriate way, debiting the relative costs to the client. Equally the company will not be responsible for problems and involuntary delays, even if caused by the negligence of its staff before the hire or in the moment of the hand over of the camper. Furthermore, the company will not be responsible for any event that could happen after the hand over of the camper that makes its use partially or completely impossible caused by illnesses or other impediments of the client, including the client’s impossibility to use the camper caused by accidents, even if caused by a third party and covered by insurance, mechanical problems, natural disasters, strikes, wars, quarantines, theft of the camper, etc.

DRIVER COVER: we would like to clarify that “driver injury” is not included in the cover of the insurance policy.

DURATION OF THE HIRE. The duration of the hire of the vehicle as specified in the contract is not changeable. Exceptionally, Gicamp s.a.s. reserves the right to allow the client, if requested, an extension which will be confirmed by email. Any delays with respect to the agreed date and time of the return of the vehicle, will be charged to the client at four times the tariff in place for every day or fraction of. The daily tariff starts from 11am and therefore returning the vehicle after this time will incur the charge of another day of hire. No repayment shall be made in the case that the client, for personal reasons, starts the hire with a delay or ends early with respect to the hire period previously confirmed.

VARIATIONS TO THE START OF THE HIRE PERIOD. The company reserves the right to delay the start of the hire specified in the contract due to mechanical problems or force majeure. In the case of a delay of more than 48 hours the company will promptly inform the client who will have the right to a refund of the amount paid for the hire.

EXTRA KILOMETRES FEE. Concerning the calculation of the price for the so called “Extra Kilometres Fee”, the current mileage of the vehicle will be noted by a manager of Gicamp s.a.s. in the presence of the client before the formal hand over. The kilometres travelled will be noted at the moment of the return of the vehicle, again in the presence of the client; the eventual difference that will be charged to the client can in no case be contested.

DISCOUNTS AND REDUCTIONS. Any discounts, vouchers or agreed reductions can not be applied to the Extra Kilometres Fee, that will always be charged in full.

REFERENCE TO ASSOCAMP: for any point not documented in this contract please refer to the practices and the contracts of Assocamp, that can be found on the website

Signature _______________________________